Pet Friendly Kitchen Designs

A kitchen remodel needs to take all family members into account. Your pet is no exception, as often they like to be in the middle of the action but with their own space to cozy up in. Designating part of your kitchen design to your furry friend makes them part of the family and reduces stress for all. Here are some tips for creating a pet-friendly but stylish kitchen design.

 What To Do With Food Bowls?

Eating is one of a pet’s favorite things to do. However, their food and water bowl can take up precious floor space and become messy, not to mention a trip hazard. A feeding station solves this problem by containing all a pet’s paraphernalia in one custom-built area. A small chest of drawers can be adapted for pet food storage but designing one for your specific needs takes care of everything. Bowls for food and water can be inserted in customized sliding drawers and bags of pet food can be stored in another section. Leashes and toys can also have a home there, so they’re never lost. Consider installing a faucet for handy refills for your thirsty pet. Whatever you need can be included by your kitchen designer.

 Where Can My Pet Sleep?

Cats and dogs also love snoozing near us during the day. The warmth of a kitchen is inviting for pets, but we can easily trip over them during food prep. Why not install a built-in bed? Your kitchen design expert can easily factor this into your kitchen remodel at the design stage. A designated space at the end of an island or a quiet corner can take a dog bed of any size, so they don’t miss out on family time. Cats prefer more private spaces such as a dedicated cabinet with a small access hole or flap in the door, or an elevated shelf set aside for your cat. These sleeping solutions ensure your floorspace is kept clear at busy times, with your pet happily nearby.

 What Entertainment Can I Put in The Kitchen?

Sleeping and eating is important, but so is playtime. Incorporating a space for your pets to play in the kitchen makes them feel happy and welcome. Cats love to scratch so why not put a scratching post in a special niche to save your soft furnishings. Try to designate an area where your dog will know there’s a ball or a toy he can find easily. Whether you have one or more cats, you could design a wall-hung rest for them to jump and sleep on. Cats love being off the ground so make the most of your wall space to make a cat playground, unless you have a birdcage!

 What To Do About Pet Access?

While it’s great to have pets included in your kitchen design, sometimes we need to be able to block access. You might not want pawprints on wet tiles, or you need to protect that defrosting chicken. Pull-out gates can temporarily keep pets out of a kitchen area and can be pushed back in when not in use. Remember to always store chemicals and medicines out of a pet’s reach. An induction cooktop uses magnets to heat pots so won’t be a danger to a cat who encounters it. If you have an enclosed kitchen design and like to keep your kitchen doors closed, try to include access within them so your pet can come and go as they please.

 Should I Choose Specific Flooring?

When planning your remodel, it’s important to consider what flooring would work for your pet. There’s no point investing in a beautiful surface only to have it destroyed by little claws. Also consider if your pet sheds a lot. If it does, then go for a color close to their fur so it’s less obvious. Tile and stone are very durable and easy to clean, but an animal won’t be comfortable lying on them, so place area rugs on the floor, in addition to their bedding.

Cork is a warmer option and is antimicrobial and sound-absorbent. Vinyl flooring comes in a variety of looks that imitate such materials as tile and wood but is more affordable and warmer to walk on. Bamboo is very durable, stain-resistant and sustainable and looks great in any kitchen design. You can make your floor pet-friendly and super stylish.                                                               

Look at our kitchen design gallery for inspiration for your remodel. Talk to our kitchen design experts today about how to include your pet in your renovated space. You can embrace form and function, making your furry friend happier than ever.

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